- AutorIn
- Dr. Lutz Diegner
- Titel
- Allegories in Euphrase Kezilahabi`s early novels
- Zitierfähige Url:
- https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-91373
- Quellenangabe
- Swahili-Forum - 9.2002
- Quellenangabe
- Swahili Forum 9 (2002), S. 43-74
- Abstract (EN)
- The aim of this article is to analyse allegories in the first four novels of the Swahili-writing author Euphrase Kezilahabi who is one of the most renowned authors in contemporary Tanzania. This analysis will be based on allegory as it is defined in literary studies. What is aimed at with this study is a hermeneutical interpretative approach to the allegories found in Kezilahabi`s early novels which shall be based on as much contexts as available: text-context, intertextual context, cultural context, historical context, only to mention the most important (cf. Mohlig 1994: 257). The text-context or co-text, however, is considered as the most reliable basis of such a study.
- Freie Schlagwörter (DE)
- Swahili, Afrikanische Literatur, Euphrase Kezilahabi, Allegorien
- Freie Schlagwörter (EN)
- Swahili, African literatures, Euphrase Kezilahabi, allegories
- Klassifikation (DDC)
- 496
- Normschlagwörter (GND)
- Swahili, Außereuropäische Literaturen, Kezilahabi, Euphrase, Allegorie
- Herausgeber (Institution)
- Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Universität zu Köln
- URN Qucosa
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-91373
- Veröffentlichungsdatum Qucosa
- 13.08.2012
- Dokumenttyp
- Artikel
- Sprache des Dokumentes
- Englisch