- AutorIn
- Kulikoyela K. Kahigi
- Titel
- Sitiari katika Kichomi – Uchambuzi wa Mojawapo ya Mbinu za Kifasihi za Euphrase Kezilahabi*
- Zitierfähige Url:
- https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-721360
- Quellenangabe
- Swahili Forum - 27.2020 Herausgeber: Universität Leipzig
Erscheinungsort: Leipzig
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Jahrgang: 27
Seiten: 32-56
ISSN: 1614-2373 - Erstveröffentlichung
- 2020
- Abstract (EN)
- This article analyses metaphors in Kichomi, the first collection of poems by the late Euphrase Kezilahabi. The poems analysed deal with the following main themes: the meaning of life, colonial oppression, and the current state of Africa. The poems under discussion are: “Nimechoka” (I Am Tired), “Mwamba Ziwani” (Rock in Lake), “Fungueni Mlango” (Open the Door), na “Kisu Mkononi” (Knife in Hand; theme: meaning of life); “Hadithi ya Mzee” (An Old Man’s Tale) (theme: colonial oppression); “Afrika na Watu Wake” (Africa and Its People), “Kumbe” (That’s Why ), and “Namagondo” (Namagondo; theme: current state of Africa). The structure of these poems does not follow the conventional rules of metre and rhyme. The aim of this article is not a thorough analysis, but to show that metaphor is a fundamental device for the poet to present meaning and his view concerning a variety of themes. I have selected these poems only in order to make the device of metaphor clear concerning the mentioned themes. The analysis proceeds on a semantic approach which recognizes three aspects of metaphor: vehicle, tenor and ground (cf. Richards (1936); Leech (1969:153-56)). An important conclusion is that metaphor is a device which enables the poems to evoke thoughts and feelings in a candid manner and with a deep impact.
- Freie Schlagwörter (EN)
- Euphrase Kezilahabi, Kichomi, Swahili poetry, metaphor as a literary device, semantic approach
- Herausgeber (Institution)
- Universität Leipzig
- Version / Begutachtungsstatus
- publizierte Version / Verlagsversion
- URN Qucosa
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-721360
- Veröffentlichungsdatum Qucosa
- 14.09.2020
- Dokumenttyp
- Artikel
- Sprache des Dokumentes
- Swahili