- Titel
- Compliance Elliance Journal
- Untertitel
- Compliance in Unprecedented Times
- Zitierfähige Url:
- https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-708024
- Erschienen in
- Compliance Elliance Journal
- Ausgabe
- 6 (2020),1, Compliance in Unprecedented Times
- Erstveröffentlichung
- 2020
- 2365-3353
- Abstract (EN)
- Therefore this edition of CEJ is dedicated to pressing criminal and compliance-related questions in connection with the coronavirus-pandemic. Furthermore we will focus on another branch of digitization: Namely cryptocurrencies and financial technology. The key issue of last CEJ-edition, Corporate Criminal Liability, will be deepened, as there have been notable (and given the current situation, questionable) developments in the German legislative process. Fittingly, the topic of whistleblower protection in Switzerland will be addressed and two books, dealing with the modern legal advice market, will be reviewed.
- Freie Schlagwörter (DE)
- Corona Pandemie, Covid-19, Compliance, Deutschland, International
- Freie Schlagwörter (EN)
- Coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19, compliance, germany, international
- Klassifikation (DDC)
- 343
- HerausgeberIn
- Michele DeStefano
- Hendrik Schneider
- Publizierende Institution
- Universität Leipzig, Leipzig
- University of Miami, Miami
- Version / Begutachtungsstatus
- eingereichte Version / Preprint
- URN Qucosa
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-708024
- Veröffentlichungsdatum Qucosa
- 13.05.2020
- Dokumenttyp
- Zeitschriftenheft / Teil eines Periodikums
- Sprache des Dokumentes
- Englisch
- Lizenz / Rechtehinweis
CC BY 4.0
- Editorial: Compliance in unprecedented times
- Between criminal law and corporate social responsibility
- Liability for entrepreneurial risk decisions during the COVID-19 crisis
- Non-Payment of Rent due to the Corona Pandemic
- Recent Legal Developments to Enhance Corporate Liability for Criminal Wrongdoing
- Experiences with the Austrian Act on Corporate Criminal Liability (“Verbandsverantwortlichkeitsgesetz” or “VBVG”)
- Swiss Legal Status on the Protection of Whistleblowers
- Will Digital Currencies Replace Cash?
- Is this our Plumbus?
- (Book Review) New Suits - Appetite for Disruption in the Legal World
- (Book Review) The Client-Centered Law Firm